The History Of Taxis
From the early ’70s, many studies have been published in relation to the heathrow airport taxi service sector. While first studies (1970- 1990) were related to the profitability of the sector and the necessity for regulation using aggregated models, later studies (1990-2010) implemented more realistic models in the taxi sector: from the most simple model of Wong developed in 1997 for a little taxi fleet until the most sophisticated model of Wong (2009) being able to simulate congestion, elasticity of demand, different user classes, external congestion and non linear costs, taking into account different market configurations. Douglas (1972) developed the first taxi model in an aggregated way, using economic relationships from other sectors (goods and services). Many authors (de Vany (1975), Beesley (1973), Beesley and Glaster (1983) and Schroeter (1983)) used the model proposed by Douglas for developing their models and tested them in the different market configurations. Manski and ...